To know Jesus fully, we must learn His culture.

I get it.  The Gospels are short.  Super short.

How and why did the Almighty Creator of the entire universe and all of existence boil His Truth down to a couple of pages?

That’s because the people of that day understood the cultural norms, laws, idioms, and references. 

But…2,000 years later…we don’t. 

If the writers of the Gospels had to explain every little detail in context for a western audience to understand 2,000 years later, the Gospels would be much, much longer.

They would have had to explain things like:

1)  how Jeremiah prophecies Jesus writing with His finger on the ground (Jeremiah 17:13)

2)  how the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7) connects to the Creation account (Genesis 1)

3)  how the abomination the causes desolation (Mark 13:15) is connected to the End Times (Revelation).

The Kingdom Story Newsletter will simply be about understanding the culture Jesus lived in so that we can know Him on a deeper level.

What bigger purpose is there in life than to know Jesus better?

Expect new insights with every email!

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Every week you will get new insights into the culture of Jesus so that we can all go on this journey of discovering our Messiah together.

Welcome to the community and please enjoy the free chapter of The Believer’s Journey!

— Marc Williams (Kingdom Story Films Creator)